Wednesday, 18 January 2012

We've arrived :)

At long last were here, after 25hrs and 45 minutes on 4 planes plus the waiting in between we are well and truly cream crackers and along the way we lost Tuesday! But that's the worst of it done an dusted-now for the fun (after some well deserved sleep). So far we've checked-in and ventured into Cairns along the beach front-it seems that despite the ridiculous heat and humidity, these locals love their running/power walking and are barely breaking a sweat-were struggling to walk!! Just back from a GBK type place in time to escape a minor tropical thunderstorm (found out its 'wet' season-trust us!). The hostel is fun and lively and the staff are very helpful and keen to get us organised onto some trips in the next few days. So think we'll head to the bar and get some stuff organised before turning in and hopefully waking fresh and full of 'adventure beans'!!

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